Iron Blood & Sacrifice
The Trilogy
Eifion Wyn Williams
Official website of historical fiction author;
Eifion Wyn Williams
Including the Brythonic Triad;
The Sons of Beli Mawr
The Sacking of Bidog
Return of the Yellow Dog
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Unashamedly weighty, this iron-age saga brings to life some of Wales’ oldest and most revered heroes, those of Mabinogion fame. Lludd Llaw Ereint, Nynniaw, Rianaw, Caswallawn Fawr and Llefelys all walk again in this ground-breaking and entertaining trilogy. The Sons of Beli Mawr is a bloody romp through the palisaded hillforts of 'Prydein' in this ancient period of pre-discovery, where powerful druids hold the ruling power with a fierce grip, even over its five kings. HênDdu, the notorious, pre-eminent druid of all Prydein holds overall power, and this imperious priest is one who must be obeyed, on pain of suffering far worse than death itself. Never before have the invasions of Julius Caesar been told in this modern and contemporary way and from the Brythons’ own perspective.
Britain in 54 BC, is a mysterious land clinging to the edge of the known world, and the Roman General Gaius Julius Caesar; the scourge of the Gauls is on the point of his second invasion. This foreign General and his monstrous army which threaten their southern coast, although beaten on their first incursion the previous year will return in much greater numbers this summer, and the 'werrin' of Prydein fear the worst. Their country is ruled by five great kings in this Brythonic period of pre-discovery, and its rich, ancient and vibrant culture is under threat from the king killers and the conquerors of all. Backdropped by the looming war with Rome in the south, a heinous plot is hatched in the north against a young and popular royal couple with untold consequences..
Return of the Yellow Dog
With the Roman General; Gaius Julius Caesar on the verge of launching his second and much larger invasion of Prydein, the country he is about to invade is riven by politics and a failing religion. Untimely death dances hand-in-hand with the murderous, Brythonic kind of power politics which grips the country from the threatened south coast to the most northern. The all-inclusive and druid-led unity they had achieved the previous year and to so much success was now a forgotten and an unachievable goal, as Caswallawn the king of the Southern Brythons has decreed a ‘northern exclusion’, infuriating the three northern Federations which had sacrificed so much in the previous war and who were once again prepared to march south in defence of their country.
A 21st Century re-interpretation of this ancient tale from the Mabinogion; a holy triad set in the year between the Roman wars.
Associated with the Iron Blood & Sacrifice trilogy of historical fiction novels, the core of the story is a series of three magical challenges to the sovereignty of the Motherland; sacred Khumry/Cymru/Wales. It describes how this triad of problems was eventually overcome by King Lludd with the aid of his brother Llefelys, through a combination of heroic valour and magical cunning.
The Sons of Beli Mawr
The Sacking of Bidog

The Sons of Beli Mawr.
(verified purchase)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Sons of Beli Mawr as I have studied our ancient history and found it full of inconsistencies and contradictions. This author has in a very creative way, stitched together these disparate fragments of history and has written a creditable and fascinating story from them. I'm looking forward to the two sequels.
R. Harris - Stirling
The Sons of Beli Mawr
(verified purchase)
This historical novel took me by surprise and I enjoyed the concept of linking the ancient Celtic culture with that of the old Welsh and it does work. There is a fascinating storyline woven around the history and I shall be sure to buyboth sequels, just to see where the author takes it.
Samantha Eckhart - Bristol
The Sons of Beli Mawr
(verified purchase)
Cracking good read and a well researched look into the iron-age culture in ancient Britain, in a highly creative, even a poetic way in places. Some of our most endearing historical legends walk the earth once more in this novel and Eifion has breathed new life into these ancient tales.
Da iawn!
Cymru am Byth!
Emrys Parry - Swansea
The Sons of Beli Mawr
“I’d hardly begun to read it when I realised that Eifion was putting clothes on bare bones, and he has such a sense of history and atmosphere, you can almost feel the rain on your face. I can’t recommend this highly enough as it’s a splendid piece of work and I look forward to reading the rest.”
Marchell Abrahams, historian, etymological researcher and broadcaster. (https://www.youtube.com/@marchellabrahams)
Sons of Beli Mawr.
5 of 5 stars.
Reviewed by Kindle Customer on 6th May 2018. Format: Kindle Edition. (Verified Purchase).
'An excellent read, and superb story telling from a master of British /Welsh history. Glad to see there are more in the series. Very detailed and informative. Can't wait to see it as a film'.

Return of the Yellow Dog.
4 of 5 stars.
Reviewed in the United States on 18th June 2021. (Verified Purchase).
'This is an amazing book, steeped in the love of Britain and her ancient people, with beautiful writing, high flowing phrases juxtaposed to gruesome and bloody (but historical) punishments, battles and sacrifices'.


I am a 67-year-old Welshman, father and grandfather living in rural Buckinghamshire, England, but I was brought up in the heart of Snowdonia in North Wales by a family of teachers, historians and poets. My father, one of 9 children was the headmaster of my infant and junior school. This was Llanllechid Primary in Rachub, a tiny stone and slate village situated high in the cold foothills of Snowdon and above the small town of Bethesda. With so many uncles and aunts (four of whom were teachers) and countless cousins, I was lucky enough to receive a proper Welsh education and imbued from infancy with a deep and abiding love for our ancient and glorious history.
My blind Taid (Grandfather) was an orator and a storyteller of note, and I recall vividly our huge family squashed into the front parlour in nain and taid’s terraced house on Madoc Street, Porthmadoc. The whole family would be there listening to one of his historical tales, told with an elder-teacher’s love of his language and in his deep and musical baritone. Inspired to verbosity perhaps by his blindness, but you could see he enjoyed the telling of them as much as we did listening to them. I can still smell the coal fire and the whisky, the sherry, and the fragrant smoke that curled from his long pipe as he spun wondrous images before our eyes. He fired our already vivid imaginations with tales of dark druids and magic, glimmering warriors like Lludd Llaw Ereint (silver hand) and Lleu Llaw Gyffes (swift handed), both of whom feature in these truly ancient stories preserved forever in the Mabinogion. Always dressed in a pin-stripe three-piece suit, taid would stand by the mantelpiece, puff his pipe and talk for hours whilst my brother and I would be on the floor in one corner, completely entranced. He spoke of God-like, ancient warriors such as Beli Mawr and both great Arthurs, and a huge, terrifying giant called Yspaddaden Pencawr, who lived nearby and actually ate naughty children! This then was the foundation to my historical and cultural education, which is of course, a never-ending process. Thus armed, I decided to start writing for pleasure and I am yet to stop.

Please feel free to add a comment or to ask any question you may have regarding the Iron Blood & Sacrifice Trilogy and I will endeavour to return your queries in good time.
I hope you enjoyed the work and I have just finished the trilogy, so all three books are now available on Kindle/Amazon & Smashwords. My novella Lludd & Llefelys is also now available from the same source, and this gives the reader a 78-page, detailed section of notes regarding these stories at the back, giving more detail about the people, the culture and the age.
If you sign-up for updates, I will let you know when any new titles are about to be published.
Please follow this link to my Pinterest page, as it is full of additional detail and graphics; https://www.pinterest.co.uk/EifionWynWilliams/iron-blood-sacrifice-the-trilogy/
I am also always looking for test readers, so if you're interested, please register that interest and I will get back to you.
Regards;,Eifion Wyn
Iron Blood & Sacrifice
The Sons of Beli Mawr - The Sacking of Bidog - Return of the Yellow Dog
FREE Download:
Historical Notes
For any media enquiries, please contact the Author;
Mr. Eifion Wyn Williams
Tel; +44 7424312727 Email; iffy.88.22@gmail.com
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